What is outreach:
Outreach is a team’s way of establishing their values for FIRST® and STEM throughout the community. This can involve activities like networking with professionals, visiting robotics labs nearby, coaching and mentoring other FIRST teams, volunteering and STEM-related activities and so much more. Why is outreach important? Outreach is important because it allows for your team to demonstrate how it made an impact on the STEM community, and spread FIRST values. A few FTC awards such as Connect, Motivate, and Inspire (the highest-ranked award) are all based on a team’s outreach. Outreach usually takes up 2-3 pages of the Engineering portfolio, which is usually 16 pages. Judges are looking for a diverse set of outreach events that have been done throughout the year, and demonstrate a clear impact and gracious professionalism. If your FTC team isn’t sure how to establish good outreach, here are some tips and tricks for where to find opportunities. How to establish outreach: 1. Cold email professionals and ask to be mentored
How to talk about outreach in the engineering portfolio: Outreach should be described in a specific way in the portfolio to be deemed impactful. A few strategies some teams have used:
- Allison A., Green Gang, FTC Team 24158 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greengangftc/
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August 2024